- Nova
- Viper
- Elise
- Stratos
- Merak
Carrera is an adept assigned Sumeragi’s
Adept Hunter Unit who battles using his
Magnetic Arts septimal power. Carrera lives
for combat, and joined the unit for no other
reason than being afforded the chance to
battle with powerful adepts. He speaks in
an extremely formal, and extremely outdated
“ye olde English” style, and always seems to
have something to say about strength, battles
with titans, and the like. In battle, he uses his
septimal powers to create a magnetic field that
attracts other adepts to him as if they were a
hunk of metal. This mysterious field also produces
an effect that temporarily blocks the use of septimal
powers. Naturally, Sumeragi took a keen interest in
this ability and regularly brings Carrera along on
capture missions to minimize the threat of other adepts.
The Glaive which holds his septimal power is known as
the Rockslicer.
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